BOTOX® / Dysport®

Botox® Cosmetic is a non-invasive injectable treatment that temporarily reduces fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing underlying muscles. Using botulinum toxin type A, Botox® smooths wrinkles for a refreshed appearance typically lasting 3-6 months.

Benefits of Botox® Cosmetic

  • Smooth, Youthful Skin: Reduce fine lines and wrinkles, including crow's feet and frown lines, for a younger, more rested-looking appearance.

  • Quick and Convenient: Short treatments with minimal downtime, allowing you to return to daily activities immediately.

  • Long-lasting Results: Enjoy smoother skin for up to 3-4 months post-treatment.

  • Safe and FDA-approved: Administered by qualified professionals using FDA-approved products.

  • Versatility: Can also address concerns like excessive sweating and migraines.

Common Areas of Treatment:

  • Forehead Lines: Smooth horizontal lines.

  • Frown Lines: Minimize vertical lines between the eyebrows.

  • Crow's Feet: Reduce lines around the eyes.

  • Bunny Lines: Soften lines on the sides of the nose.

Gummy Smile: Diminish the appearance of a gummy smile.

Lower Face: Reduces jowling and heaviness to the lower face.

Jaw: Reduces teeth-clenching and reduces headaches.

Underarms: Treatment can reduce perspiration.